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      Our health care mess: now deadly for Haitians as well as Americans

      I just read a headline that Haitians are dying because of a dispute about funding their care in the United States.

      We could be airlifting them out, and bringing them here for medical care. Instead, our system, full of its usual “wars” between the states, and wrangling about payment, has stopped the airlifts.

      For those who are so badly injured, waiting means dying.

      Why can't we get them here, give them the care, and then negotiate the payment?

      They closed a hospital in Chicago because they refused care to a person who was not insured, and who died on their steps. This is the same thing. And some people are still saying we don't need health care reform.

      More than 18,000 Americans die each year solely for the reason that they are uninsured. Now Haitians are dying too.

      Update, Sunday, January 31 - Flights have resumed! I hope the delay was not fatal to too many people.

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